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In 1874, Edmond BARNAUT married with the heiress of an old family of wine growers in Bouzy, Appoline GODMÉ-BARANCOURT, and created his own trademark of Champagne.
Since this era, in the silence and the freshness of the caves of pure chalk and of red bricks, operates the mystery of the birth of Champagne.
At the beginning, there is the Vine: this liana which it is necessary to know to overcome, for its fruit brings to the men joy, refinement and user-friendliness.
In this family cradle where each bottle ripened during several years, we come to inspire us of the philosophy of our ancestors.
With their usages and the present knowledge and techniques, the curiosity and the quest of the perfection allow us to imagine and to progress.
Homage to the patient work of the men and the women who sublimates what the nature offers of good. Searches of knowledge, rigor, intuition, observation and understanding enliven a process that inspires each generation .
It is necessary consequently well know it for tame and control it, reason its protection, respect its environment. It is necessary to observe and understand the Nature, the soils and the climate to be in order with wisdom on this plant, because there is good wine only with good grape.


Winegrower's name:  Philippe SECONDÉ
Annual production:  140 000 bottles
Vine conduct:  Controlled natural grass.
Vine treatment:  Reasoned vine growing
Traçability:  Terre et Vin & Viticave + systems
Quality club:  Académie des Vins de Bouzy
Grape varieties Pinot Noir, Chardonnay
Area (ha) 0,8
Soil and climate Argilo-limestone, exposure east-south-east
Average age of vineyard (year) 45
Yield (vine/ha) 8333
Average yield (hl/ha) 50
Grape varieties Pinot Noir, Chardonnay
Area (ha) 4,6
Soil and climate Limono-argilo-limestone, southern exposure full, strong slope (38%) in edge of the Marne
Average age of vineyard (year) 10
Yield (vine/ha) 8333
Average yield (hl/ha) 75
BOUZY Grand Cru
Grape varieties Pinot Noir, Chardonnay
Area (ha) 10,7
Soil and climate Argilo-limestone, southern exposure full
Average age of vineyard (year) 38
Yield (vine/ha) 8333
Average yield (hl/ha) 60
Grape varieties Pinot Noir
Area (ha) 0,2
Soil and climate Argilo-limestone, southern exposure full
Average age of vineyard (year) 26
Yield (vine/ha) 8333
Average yield (hl/ha) 75
Grape varieties Pinot Noir
Area (ha) 0,1
Soil and climate Argilo-limestone, south-eastern exposure
Average age of vineyard (year) 100
Yield (vine/ha) 10000
Average yield (hl/ha) 25
Grape varieties Pinot Meunier
Area (ha) 1
Soil and climate Limono-argillaceous, grounds of full, rich
Average age of vineyard (year) 10
Yield (vine/ha) 8333
Average yield (hl/ha) 75